Not every country is primarily known for its national parks. But hidden beauties are often revealed so people enjoy diverse elements of nature and life in general. Although the national parks in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not mentioned often, their appearance and general look will make everyone carve for more exciting adventures and discoveries of hidden attractiveness. So, read this article and decide which characteristics of the parks you like the most. There is even more from Bosnia and Herzegovina and its neighboring countries. Visit our itinerary page to find some unmissable sites.
Sutjeska National Park

This is the oldest National Park in Bosnia and Hezegovina. It was founded in 1962 and its location was used for a spectacular Sutjeska battle is the Second World War when Yugoslav partisans fought off Nazi Germany and its allies. As for the notable geographic elements, the Maglić massive is surrounding the park. With its height of 2.386 meters, it is the highest mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the neighboring locations are on the ascended territory, many other mountains that are higher than 2.000 meters are located within the region. That includes mountains of Volujak, Bioč and Lejla. Numerous nature elements are contributing to the fact that Sutjeska was proclaimed one of the most significant parks in the world. Even UNESCO paid tribute to the park by including it in its “World tentative” list. It is one of the only two natural habitats in Europe that contain old growth forests. Trees which can be found there are breathing freely without disruption for more than 300 years. The whole area has a history so serene that even some trees are remaining still on their spots for even more than 3 centuries. The scent of trees is enriched by murmur of the Skakavac waterfall. The waterfall is actually located in the nearby Perućica Forest reserve and it is the biggest of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its mesmerizing height of 75 meters will make you hypnotized while observing it from the top to the bottom. As for the belonging waterways that are vital veins of this national park, Piva and Drina rivers make the northern boundary between the park and park’s outskirts. In the park itself, Sutjeska River flows between forests of yore and green patches on the fields and meadows. Tourists with an eager eye will spot wildlife that is lurking behind bushes and trees. Variety of animals can be seen in Sutjeska Park – brown bears, wolves, boars and even golden eagles. For those who are always up for some nature action, management of the park will gladly offer you whitewater rafting, rock climbing and fishing.
Kozara National Park

This national park was established in 1967. Its spacious green valleys and well trimmed lush meadows are attracting eager visitors who are looking fun and enjoyment in the afternoon sun. The park is also known as a place where 4 major rivers found their way – Sava, Una, Vrbas and Sana. Since the weather in Kozara is fair for most of the year, tourists are recommended to visit it during all 4 seasons. Thanks to its evergreen patches and scent of the trees, the national park was nicknamed “Green beauty of Krajina”. Krajina is one of the B&H sub regions, notable for its presence of rivers and numerous towns of great importance within it, including Bihać, Gradiška, Prijedor and Jajce. Visitors who are flocking here at the height of summer are indulging in various adrenaline and leisure activities like mountain biking, rock climbing, hunting and herb picking. The area is also suitable for winter activities and people hurdle in November/December to get in shape while skiing and snowboarding. But, probably the most sensational periods are during spring and autumn when trees show their seasonal attire and waterfalls roar like thunders. Unlike many other national parks, there are no walloping mountains or wild whitewater rivers. You can expect nothing but serene scenery, sights of people lying on the grass minding their own business and pleasant winds that are splashing aromatic scents of forests in your face. We hope you will find your little piece of heaven in Kozara park.
Una National Park

The youngest of all National Parks in Bosnia and Herzegovina (established in 2018) It is known for its exceptional preservation of flora and fauna varieties, captivating archaeological and cultural sites and majestic, unprecedented waterfalls. Tourists who visit Bosnia and Herzegovina are well aware of Una wonders as they visit the park through the whole year, especially in summer. Considering that it is located near the Croatian border, tourists from Croatia are well known visitors of this divine piece of nature. The most well –known reason why people are gathering here like a swarm of locusts are belonging rivers of the park – The Upper Una, Unac and Krka. But, Una River deserves the most praises and mentioning because of its complex appearance. The river starts as a karats spring and proceeds on its way to develop into whopping waterfall. Many people are comparing its look to Plitvice Lakes which are equally gorgeous in its layout and presence. If you have visited Krka National Park in the past, you should definitely see Krka River which originates in its source within this park. As for the wildlife, this national park is considered to be one of the most bio-diverse territories in this part of Europe. Una National Park is a dear home for more than 30 species of fish, approximately 100 bird species and numerous other animals like wolves and bears. Also, many historic and archaeological sites can be found here. So, while you are hearing charming chirping of the birds and tremendous roars of the waterfalls, your guide will probably tell you few peculiarities about history of Bosnia and Herzegovina.